Sunday, February 23, 2014

ITGOA elected new executive committee

 President-Shri Ajay Kumar Goel (Delhi), Vice President-Shri Amitava Dey(NER),Secretary General-Shri Bhaskar Bhattacharya(WB), Addl.Secretary-Shri Aravind Trivedi (NWR) Joint Secretaries-Shri R.S.Ragav(MP & CG) and Shri Shailendra Lodha (Gujarat)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now they will oppose the CR so that the implementation of CR stalled for another six months.

Anonymous said...

Unity is strength. agli bar hartal to ITEF ke sath samil hona.

Anonymous said...

Congrats; hope the new team will set right all the pending matters within a fixed time schedule. Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

West bengal's has come to action.....

Anonymous said...

Congrats and hope for the best.

Anonymous said...

Thank GOD the present secretary general has been replaced. He did little except writing bollywood scripts

Anonymous said...

All the new team members are pro ITEF.

Anonymous said...

JCA will be strengthened.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

congrats all of you......

Anonymous said...

please give details of the case so that the matter may be taken up at larger forum

Anonymous said...

there is no SC judgement dated 12.02.2014 which will reverse the effect of N R Parmar judgement. Poor PRs... okey

Anonymous said...

Congrats Bhaskar for getting elected as Gen.Secretay of ITGOA. No matter you could not become a G.S. of ITEF, let those not ready to sit with you see for themselves that you are the Gen.Secretary of All India Body of tax employees having a more I.Q. and not simply following the leaders like the flock of sheep. But my friend keep your spirits intact and not get diluted with the company of old comrades of your sister organazation or the bigger forum.
Dont get illusioned and best of luck in your fight to get posts of CR to your WB charge. BEWARE OF OLD FOXES, our so called GREAT GRANDFATHERLY COMRADES - not ready to retire even after retirement.
Show them the way to PENSIONERS ASOCIATION and ask them to leave the EMPLOYEES association.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha na samaz ITO banne ka badee jaldi hai. Kaab sudrenge.

Anonymous said...

what is about CR

Anonymous said...

The supreme court of India in civil appeal No. 979 OF 2014held that the advertisement must specify the number of posts available for selection and recruitment. The qualifications and other eligibility criteria for such posts should be explicitly provided and the schedule of recruitment process should be published with certainty and clarity. The advertisement should also specify the rules under which the selection is to be made and in absence of the rules, the procedure under which the selection is likely to be undertaken. This is necessary to prevent arbitrariness and to avoid change of criteria of selection after the selection process is commenced, thereby unjustly benefiting someone at the cost of others. Further it held that Even under the Constitution, the power of appointment granted to the Chief Justice under Article 229 (1) is subject to Article 16 (1), which guarantees equality of opportunity for all citizens in matters relating to employment. ‘Opportunity’ as used in this Article means chance of employment and what it guaranteed is that this opportunity of employment would be equally available to all. This judgement is applicable to the Staff selection commision,the recruting agency is voilating the article14 and 16(1) since 2005 onwards. As SSC is advertising less number of posts and recruting in larger number of candidates. That means back door appointments

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all the New EC member of the ITGOA and hope JCA will strengthen in future.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and hope to team again with ITEF and show our might to fight for our right.

Anonymous said...



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